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Conservation Commission Minutes 2008/10/01
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Date 10/1/08
Present: Tim Fleury, Lela Emery, Rem Mastin, Robert Hill
Absent: Roger Whitaker, Van Webb
Guest Present: Bruce Burdett

The Budget for the 2009 Sunapee Conservation Commission was reviewed. Robert Hill made the motion that the SCC approves the 2009 budget of $3,150.00. Seconded by Rem Mastin. All in favor 4, opposed 0. There is no change in the amount from the previous year.
Professional Services $2,250.00
Training                             75.00
Membership                     725.00
General Expenses       $   100.00

SCC board reviewed the projected amount of the current use penalties collected for the 2008 year by the Town of Sunapee. SCC receives half of the current use penalties collected. SCC goal is to receive a total of $50,000 per year for future projects. 2008 shows $48,529 in penalties, SCC would receive $24,265. Rem Mastin made the motion that the SCC requests the amount of $25,700 in the 2009 warrant article for the Conservation Commission Fund. Robert Hill seconded the motion.  All in favor 4, Opposed 0.

Robert Hill made the motion that the Sunapee Conservation Commission contributes the $3,750 which is half of the expenses to cover the Virginia Soule Easement project. These funds would come from the Conservation Commission Fund. Rem Mastin seconded the motion. All in favor 4, opposed 0. Total cost for this easement is $7,500.00.

September Planning Board presentation by Van and Tim on the maps system that the SCC is having made. SCC will submit the final drafts for the Natural Resources Inventory for inclusion to the Master Plan.

Rem Mastin attended the Right to Know meeting held at the Town Office by the Towns Attorneys on Tuesday September 30th. Rem reviewed the information and shared the booklet that he received. SCC members browsed the book and Rem read to all members the review section in the back of the handout. Lela has the booklet with the SCC notebook that is present at all meetings with Lela.

Mail: New directions to all the roads in the town of Sunapee for 911 purposes. FYI only as a town board and committee. SCC no action required.

DES Minimum Impact Application for Bakon, Clare, Po Box 382, Georges Mills, NH, 42 Journeys End, Sunapee. Repair existing dock, 4’X4’ crib under 4’X20’ walkway and 8’X8’ and 9’X12” decking. Total impact of the project is 188’ feet and 4 feet of shoreline. Action required- Van Webb signed 8/29/08

DES notice of administrative incomplete Minimum Impact Expedited Application.

Official Tree Farm Documentation has been received for the following parcels.
Ledge Pond
Webb Flint Lot
Dewey Woods
Tyler Bartlett Lot
Ski Tow Hill
Treatment Plant Lot
Gore Lot
SCC needs to post Tree Farm Signs on the above parcels.

A letter to the Town of Sunapee as abutter notification for a NH DES wetlands application for Springfield Power Co. Springfield, NH Tax map 8, Lot 277.116 to Tax map 102, Lots 1 and 4. From Horizon Engineering. SCC no action required.  

Received from the Granite State Rural Water Assoc & NH DES a management plan for the Lake Sunapee Watershed. Dtd 3/08 revised 6/08.

Meeting adjourned.

Tim and Lela worked on files.